Information and Communication Sciences Research

ISSN (online) 2668-2753
ISSN-L 2668-1544

Articles submitted to Information and Communication Sciences Research are initially reviewed by the editor-in-chief, who determines whether the manuscript will be sent to reviewers. If so, it is then evaluated in a double blind process by at least two reviewers, including members of the journal's Editorial Board and/or other experts in the field of information and communication sciences.

The criteria considered by reviewers are originality and novelty of the article, suitability of content, quality of research methodology, organization, clarity, and appropriate documentation.

The result of the review process can be acceptance, acceptance with revision or rejection. Authors will be informed of the outcome of the review process and only articles accepted will be published.

An article is accepted for publication on the understanding that it is an original piece of work which will not be published in other journal.

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