Information and Communication Sciences Research

ISSN (online) 2668-2753
ISSN-L 2668-1544

Original articles within the scope of the journal should be submitted to the journal editor-in-chief, Octavia-Luciana Madge, as attachments to e-mail


Articles should be written in English.

Potential authors may approach the editor by e-mail at the address mentioned above for advice on the suitability of a topic in advance of submission.

Articles will be formatted with single line spacing, font Times New Roman, justify, size 12.

The structure of the article should be Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussions, Conclusion, References.

Title, Abstract and Keywords

Articles should be submitted with an abstract (about 100 words) in English, Romanian and French, and also with 4-5 keywords in English, Romanian and French. The title must be also sent in English, in Romanian and in French.

Author Affiliation

Authors should indicate their affiliation and an e-mail address.


References and citations should follow the APA (the American Psychological Association) Style ( All references should be cited in the text. No numbers with or without brackets should be used to cite or to list the references.

References should be arranged alphabetically and then, if necessary, chronologically. More references from the same author in the same year must be identified by the letters 'a', 'b', 'c', etc., placed after the year of publication.

Citations in the text

(Dumitrescu, 1998) or (Dumitrescu and Gheorghe, 2008)
(IBM Corp., 2005)
(Romania. Ministry of Health, 2008)
(Dumitrescu, 2008, p. 26)
(Dumitrescu, 2008, para. 6.1)
Adevărul (

The Reference List


  1. Book:
    Dumitrescu, A. (1997). Information Science (3rd. ed.). Bucharest: Vista.
    Dumitrescu, A. & Gheorghe, B. (1997). Information Science (3rd. ed.). Bucharest: Vista.
    Gheorghe, B. (Ed). (1997). Information Science (3rd. ed.). Bucharest: Vista.
  2. Chapter in a book:
    Gheorghe, B. (1997). Directions in Information Science. In A. Dumitrescu (Ed.), Information Science (pp. 26-46). Bucharest: Vista.
  3. Article in a journal:
    Gheorghe, B., Pop, C. & Ivan, G. (1997). Directions in Information Science. Information Science, 22(14), 26-46.
  4. Paper published in conference proceedings:
    Gheorghe, B. (1997). Directions in Information Science. In Andrei Dumitrescu & George Ivan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Information Science (pp.26-46). Bucharest: Vista.
  5. Electronic Source/Website:
    Gheorghe, B. (1997). Directions in Information Science. Information Science, 22 (3). Retrieved from http://......
    Information Science (2018, October 26). Retrieved from http://......


Copyright for all articles is held by the authors without restrictions.

The entire responsibility for the content of the articles lies with the authors.

An article is accepted for publication provided it is an original piece of work which was not published in another journal. All future use of the work should be in line with the CC license requirements for republishing.

Policy of screening for plagiarism

This journal discourages any attempt of plagiarism. For checking the articles submitted, Information and Communication Sciences Research uses a specialized software to detect plagiarism ( When checking the text, we exclude the references, the title and the author names.

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